summer reading

Summertime Knitting


Summer is a great season to knit. Elizabeth Zimmerman, the matriarch of American knitting, suggests shawls are a perfect July project. Others would vote for stitching a satisfying simple cotton wash cloth.  Or an airy lacy scarf. Instead of wool, you might cast on a lace-weight cotton, or bamboo.

Summer vacations and relaxing allows us to catch up on our knitterly reading. To help you enjoy this hot weather opportunity, I’m happy to announce that through July 1oth, Open Road Media is offering the ebook version of my book,  A Knitter’s Home Companion, and other popular STC titles for a mere 4.99. In celebration of summer knitting, Open Road is blogging and tweeting patterns for knitting projects, playlists to enjoy while knitting, and even cool recipes for drinks to sip while you knit and read.

Summertime knitting. Are you ready?

Selected Open Road Media Blog Posts

Canal House Homemade Iced Tea

Airy Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts

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