middle grade novels

Recommended Reading : Curse of the Buttons

One of the great perks of being a writer is that I get to read the manuscripts of books before they are even published, like CURSE OF THE BUTTONS (Fall '14, Candlewick), a middle grade novel by my friend Anne Ylvisaker. This is third book in the Button family saga which began with  LUCK OF THE BUTTONS and continued on with BUTTON DOWN. Each book in this three book series works its way backward through the Button family's history, helping us understand their present woes and joys as well as their past.  

It's hard to be patient and wait for the next opportunity to luxuriate in the skilled language of Anne Ylvisaker's historical family stories. But by waiting , you will be rewarded. In the meantime, you can grab a copy of LUCK OF THE BUTTONS and BUTTON DOWN. If you get yourself a new, just released, paperback of BUTTON DOWN, you'll find a short excerpt from CURSE OF THE BUTTONS at the back of the book.

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