
The Rhinebeck Report



We didn't buy an angora goat. Or an alpaca. My friend Suzanne did buy a goat feeder. Even disassembled, it was not a small purchase. Still, after Rhinebeck, when we met up with my oldest daughter Meera at a family wedding, we managed to fit the three of us, plus all of Meera's stuff into the old Volvo station wagon.   

Rhinebeck, the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival, is a celebration of animals, wool, food, knitting, books and more. For me, it was also about friendships, new and old. New friend, Laurie Kimmelstiel,  Exquisite Little Knits, dropped by with a message from a childhood friend. Sheepish's Catherine Friend, from my Minnesota children's book critique group, had the table across from me. It was great visiting with her.

 Sheepish by Catherine Friend

I was lucky to sign beside KnitSpeak's  warm and funny, Andrea Berman Price.

I love Teva Durham's new book Loop-d-Loop Lace. I was thrilled to meet her and her charming daughter.

I can't resist mentioning that the incredible young designer, Ysolda, was sitting at the table next to me! 

And close in spirit, just two tables away, was my buddy, the one and only, Vicki Stiefel, co-author of the 10 Secrets of the Laidback Knitters .

Rhinebeck gave me chance to connect with many knitters. Check out this Ravelry group who identified themselves with their cool sequined hats!


It was a spirited two days of knitterly fun and conversation. I'm grateful for my time there. Thank you to the many readers of my Lion Brand Newsletter's essays who stopped by. And a carton of thanks to Scott and the folks at Merrit Bookstore who ran the Rhinebeck book signings with great fun and humor.  You are the best!


Photo credits: Suzanne Doershuk, proud owner of a new goat feeder

Patterns: Andrea Berman Price's Knitspeak book case cover

Patterns: Ten Secrets Ribs with a Side of Lace

Catherine Friend's Blog- Farm Tales and Sheepish Stories