Hawkeye Healing Shawl

Fall Excitement


The Hawkeye Healing Shawl , my new essay for Lion Brand, marks a beginning. Now I understand a little more about the black and gold, the Hawkeye team colors. Last week, I discussed this with my neighbor and friend Ed ( Ed’s Hat). He told me how he became a Hawkeye fan. And then, he invited me to be his guest at a game in the fall. I'm looking forward to that. I hope I can bring my knitting.

I am also waiting with eagerness and excitement for this fall to read my pal, Anne Ylvisaker’s newest book, Button Down. The second of three books about Iowa's Button family.  Button Down, will be out just in time for football fever. Button Down follows Ned Button, a character inspired by Grant Wood's Plaid Sweater (above), in his quest to see the 1929 Hawkeyes play the opening game in their new football stadium.

Stay tuned. There will be more about news about Button Down. And even a contest.  You’ll have a chance to win a autographed copy. In the meantime, check out the book that started the Button series, Luck of The Buttons.

Happy reading.