silk hankies

Stitches MidWest 2011


Years ago, when we lived in St. Paul, Minnesota, I took my daughters to Stitches MidWest. Back then, it was held in Minneapolis.

“Now I know how Harry Potter felt when he arrived at Hogwarts,” I told them. Everywhere we looked there were knitters--knitting, examining wool, sharing patterns, spinning, and talking about knitting.

Stitches MidWest was my first glimpse of the knitting world.

On Saturday, I’ll be back at Stitches MidWest. If you are attending, please stop by The Yarn Barn of Kansas (Booth 501). I will be signing copies of A Knitter’s Home Companion at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  I have A Knitter’s Home Companion buttons ( featured in the photo at the top of the blog post) to give away with each book.

If you can’t make it to Stitches Midwest, here’s a chance to get your very own A Knitter’s Home Companion button. I’m giving away ten. Send me an email and let me know where you would pin your button. The contest closes on September 4th.


Our most treasured Stitches discovery was a silk hankie. They are also know as silk caps. They do look like a hankie, but don’t be fooled. With a little effort, you can pull and spin yards of lovely silk yarn.

Read the excellent Knitty tutorial on how to spin a silk hankie.

Look for them at yarn stores and fiber festivals.