
Traveling Bag

Meet the perfect project bag. A circular bottom allows it to sit stably on a flat surface. The toggle lock prevents the contents from accidentally spilling out. And the nifty handle gives a knitter an option I have yet to exercise-- to knit while walking.

"I picked this one for you," the bag's creator, Theresa Gaffey, told me. She knows how much I love coffee and the bag's fabric sports both coffee images and java jive.

My knitting treasure is now on the road with me and my husband as we drive drive East to visit family and friends. Looking at it reminds me of the past week-end which we spent in St. Paul, Minnesota. There I had two readings of A Knitter's Home Companion at the Yarnery.

Hearty thanks are due to the helpful staff of the Yarnery for making my St. Paul event truly delightful. Gratitude galore goes to their event organizer, Sarah Walker, who baked a delicous powdered sugar version of Sis Gessner's Mandel Bread and brewed a wickedly wonderful pot of my favorite beverage to serve with it. Grateful appreciation to our gracious hostesses, Theresa Gaffey and her sister Maureen, who opened up their hearts and homes to us. Thank you one and all!


Some of you may recognize Theresa's name from her lovely patterns in A Knitter's Home Companion--The Lacy Scarf, The Updated Ripple Afghan, and the Trio of Lacy Washcloths. To find more Theresa Gaffey's patterns and ones written by other Yarnery folks, including Sarah Walker, by clicking here.