Lion Brand

Iowa March


Who would have ever thought that a phone could help you remember your morning walk?  I'm still amazed that as I move past pastures and housing developments, pet the neighborhood dogs and occasionally moo at the cows when they are out -- I carry my phone with me. I can stop and email if I'd like. Or write a note to myself. I skip the music part, although I know it's available. I not tempted to watch TV from the park bench in the middle of the field. But I do love taking pictures of what I see and how it changes with the seasons.

A bundle of thanks to  104Reviews and Joyfully Retired for their lovely reviews of A Knitter's Home Companion.


Youtube -- New York, New York

I'm back in Iowa City, Iowa after almost week in New York. Unpacking my experience, reorienting myself to my studio and work, I am taking a slow route back into stories and pictures. Soon a blog post, pictures and words will once again appear on this blog. Till then, youtubes. My very first in this media.

Talks From the Yarn Universe

The Updated Ripple Afghan