

Spring and babies.

It began with the lamb. Wanda arrived on March 4th, very early in the morning. Mother Winnie, a mix of Romney and Border Leicester, belongs to my friend Suzanne. Wanda was just a wobbly few days old when I saw her. Now, at three weeks, Suzanne’s husband John believes that Wanda is herding their chickens.

Babies are next. In my circle of friends and relatives, two were expected later this spring, or so all we thought.

An email this morning brought the exciting news. Lilit Kaila, the first grandchild of my friend, Vicki, was born yesterday-- March 24, 2011. Lilli, as she is called,and her mom Miriam are doing well. “Beautiful and sweet,” report the proud grandparents. Congratulations to all.

With the second baby due next month, it’s time for my needles to get to work. For those of you who are welcoming babies into the world this spring, I’ve posted some ideas to help you.


On the Day You were Born- written and illustrated by Deborah Frasier

“On the day you were born the round planet Earth turned toward your morning sky, whirling past darkness, spinning the night into light.”

The perfect gift for babies and those who greet and love them.


Great Grandmother's Baby Bootie page 

I love to exclaim when presenting a pair of these booties to a new mother that “this is how Victorian ladies dressed their babies in the wilderness!” Sharon Haanes Bryant

Author/illustrator Sahron Byrant shares her family story and heirloom pattern.

Preemie Hats

For baby Lilli and other preemies, consider making preemi hats. Visit  The Preemie Project

for preemie patterns, where to donate them, and inspiration.


Dee W's Great Big Wok Full of Asian Noodle Soup

A great soup recipe—hearty and wholesome—a meal in a bowl. Vegetarian. Tofu can be traded for chicken breasts, if you like. Bring a pot to the home of a new baby.

Michelle Edwards

I write and illustrate stories for children and adults. My stories are about family, friendship, knitting, and community. They chronicle the large and small victories and defeats of everyday life.