Twin Loves: Noro and Washi Tape

There's a comfort in the beauty of washi tape and Noro yarns. Merely touching them gives membership in something more than the everyday. Whatever you do with Washi -- decorate a card or or envelope -- is transformed. Whatever you knit with Noro -- a simple garter stitch something, for example -- transforms you.


Slippers and the Studio Campfire

This week a bitter cold settled over Iowa, a cold that seeped through my studio floors, freezing my feet. So my evenings have been dedicated to knitting and felting the ultimate slippers. My favorites so far, Duffers in  Lion Brand Alpine wool.

All week, the setting on the Presto Heat Dish in my studio remained on High. Wherever I went--  from the writing table to the drawing table, and then, over to the computer--it went with me. From outlet to outlet. Yesterday, I got to thinking about exploring my electric campfire’s other possibilities. Maybe adding a little summer fun to my studio rituals with a pair of chop sticks and bag of marshmallows.

News and Notes:

Duffers are on the  Knitting if not Eccentric blog. They are very fast and simple to make. Check out the revised pattern here.

The Hereville contest ends on January 22. There’s still time to enter. I ‘ll announce the winner on next Friday’s blog.